Book Description
Over the past sixty-five years Ernst Kitzinger has been one of the foremost interpreters of the art of Late Antiquity, Byzantium and the medieval West. Beginning with his “influential doctoral dissertation, reprinted here, on early medieval painting in the city of Rome, where western and eastern Byzantine traditions met, one of his principal concerns has been the movement and exchange of artistic ideas and patterns around the Mediterranean. Painting and mosaics have always been central to his enquiry. One focus has been the mosaics of Norman Sicily, on which he has published numerous ground-breaking books and papers.
All of Professor Kitzinger’s essays on Norman Sicily are included here. Other areas in which he has made outstanding contributions are the arts of Late Antiquity, with a particular emphasis on floor mosaics, medieval Rome, Byzantium in the early and high Middle Ages, and the arts of Anglo-Saxon England.
These two volumes include all of Professor Kitzinger’s major essays, apart from an earlier selection reprinted in 1975. Each has a new preface by Professor Kitzinger, and comes with a comprehensive index.
Volume II Contents
- Preface
- Anglo-Saxon: Anglo-Saxon vinescroll ornament
- The Sutton Hoo finds: the silver
- The Sutton Hoo ship burial: the silver
- The coffin-reliquary of Saint Cuthbert
- Interlace and icons: Form and function in early Insular art
- Medieval West: Römische Malerei vom Beginn des 7. bis zur Mitte des 8. Jahrhunderts
- A romanesque capital
- The Gregorian reform and the visual arts: A problem of method
- Christus und die zwolf Apostel
- The Virgin’s face: antiquarianism in twelfth-century art
- The arts as aspects of a renaissance
- Norman Sicily: The mosaics of the Cappella Palatina in Palermo: An essay on the choice and arrangement of subjects
- On the portrait of Roger II in the Martorana in Palermo
- Norman Sicily as a source of Byzantine influence on Western art in the twelfth century
- The date of Philagathos’ homily for the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul
- Two mosaic ateliers in Palermo in the 1140s
- The mosaic fragments in the Torre Pisana of the Royal Palace in Palermo: a preliminary study
- The descent of the dove: observations on the mosaic of the Annunciation in the Cappella Palatina in Palermo
- The portraits of the Evangelists in the Cappella Palatina in Palermo
- A twelfth century sanctuary of the Theotokos: St. Mary of the Admiral in Palermo
- La chiesa di S. Maria dell’Ammiraglio a Palermo
- Mosaic decoration in Sicily under Roger II and the classical Byzantine system of church decoration
- The Son of David: a note on a mosaic in the Capella Palatina in Palermo
- The Mandylion at Monreale
- Index
See also:
Volume I
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