Book Description
Viktor Nikitich Lazarev was one of the founders of the Russian school of art history, and a major figure in the study of Byzantine and early Russian art. Immensely productive, he combined teaching, museum work and scholarship throughout a long and eventful life.
His studies on Byzantine painting, and its links with the art of his native Russia, were of great importance in helping to clarify the stylistic development of Byzantine painting, and in drawing attention to the Byzantine roots of medieval Italian painting. This volume contains all of Professor Lazarev’s papers on Byzantine painting, published between 1925 and 1964. Six of the papers were originally published in Russian, and are translated into English here for the first time. There is a comprehensive index to the volume.
Ein byzantinisches Tafelwerk aus des Komnenenepoche
Einige kritische Bemerkungen zum Chludovpsalter
Über eine neue Gruppe byzantinischvenezianischer Trecento-bilder
Duccio and Thirteenth-Century Greek Icons
Early Italo-Byzantine Painting in Sicily
The Mosaics of Cefalù
A Great Rediscovery of XIth Century Byzantine Art
Byzantine Icons of the XIVth and XVth Century
Studies in the Iconography of the Virgin
An Illuminated Constantinopolitan Psalter of the XIth Century
Newly Discovered Examples of Byzantine Art from the Fourteenth Century: the Vysotsky Icons
Newly Discovered Thirteenth-Century Miniatures from Constantinople
Gli affreschi di Castelseprio. Critica alla teoria di Weitzmann sulla ‘rinascenza Macedona’
Constantinople and the National Schools in the Light of recent Discoveries
Painting in Macedonia in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries
Two Newly Discovered Works of Art from the Palaeologan Period
Deux fragments d’épistyle peintes et le templon byzantin
Les procédés de la stylisation linéaire dans la peinture byzantine des X-XII siècles et leurs sources
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