Book Description
This Festschrift for Christopher Walter features a number of studies on the ritual and art of the Byzantine church. Contributors include Jeffrey Anderson, David Buckton, Suzy Dufrenne, Tania Velmans, and Panayotis Vokotopoulos on Byzantine art, Albert Failler and Joseph Munitiz on texts, and Robert Taft on the liturgy. There is a complete bibliography of Christopher Walter’s publications, and an introduction by Pamela Armstrong.
Christopher Walter: The Scholar
Christopher Walter: Bibliography; Tabula Gratulatoria
The Byzantine Imperial Communion Ritual, Robert Taft; An Exhortation by Manuel Philes to Pay Attention, J. A. Muniti
The Creation of the Marginal Psalter, Jeffrey C. Anderson
Les divers emplois du mot harmoste dans l’œuvre de Georges Pachymérès, Albert Failler
Simples remarques sur deux manuscrits byzantins des IXe et Xe siècles, Suzy Dufrenne
Iconographic Observations of Figural Representation on Zeuxippus Ware, Pamela Armstrong; ‘Early Byzantine’ Enamel in France, David Buckton
The Miniatures of a Palaeologan New Testament at the Hagia Lavra Monastery near Kalavryta, Panayotis L. Vocotopoulos
People Get the Heroes and Martyrs they Deserve, Anthony Bryer; St. Catherine of Alexandria and Mount Sinai , Nancy Patterson Šev c enko
The Narthex as Desert: The Symbolism of the Entrance Space in Orthodox Church Buildings; Georgi Gerov
Autour d’une inscription métrique et de la représentation des apôtres Pierre et Paul dans une église en Élide, Victoria Kepetzi
Le rôle de l’hésychasme dans la peinture murale Byzantine du XIVe et XVe siècles, Tania Velmans
Emperors or Saints? A Note on the Iconography of a Late-Antique Weight, Christopher Entwistle
Enemy at the Gates: An Alliance Ridiculed. A Contribution to the History of Mentalité of the South Slavs in the Middle Ages, Dušan Kora c and Radivoj Radi c
Hymnography and Iconography: Images of Hymnographers in Twelfth- and Thirteenth-century Church Paintings in Bulgaria , Elka Balalova
List of Contributors
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