Book Description
This selection of 57 studies by Dr. D. E. Rhodes focuses on the history of printing in Italy from the earliest printers of the 15th century to the flourishing of regional presses in the 16th and 17th centuries. The author is a leading authority on early printed books, and the present volume brings together for the first time a number of important articles on early printing in Venice, Rome, Mantua and Milan, and also covers the presses of Southern Italy, and the smaller Italian towns.
The articles have been up-dated where necessary, with the addition of bibliographical notes and an index. There is a preface by George Painter.
- Preface
- The ‘Quodlibeta’ of Petrus Johannis Olivi
- A post-incunable edition of Aesop
- Fra Giovanni di Firenze e i suoi tipografi veneziani
- Philippus Beroaldus, Minus Roscius, and an undated book
- Su tre pubblicazioni ufficiali dell’Ordine di S. Girolamo
- Ancora sull’Ordine di S. Girolamo
- Francesco Cosci of Siena and a strange reissue of his works
- The first edition of the works of Chrysostomus Javellus
- Chrysostomus Javellus: an addendum
- On the use of the verb ‘facere’ in early colophons
- An unidentified edition of Galen
- Notes on Aurelio Kncio
- Notes on the 1503 edition of Petrarch
- Two Venetian editions of Aristotle’s ‘De anima’
- Libri inglesi recensiti a Roma, 1668-1681
- A rare printer at Rome: Ariottus de Trino
- Pompilio Totti: publisher, engraver, Roman antiquary
- Further notes on the publisher Giacomo Mazzocchi
- The printing of a group of Greek books in Rome
- The British Museum’s copy of a rare book from Brescia: a problem in dating
- More light on fifteenth-century piracies in Northern Italy
- The early ownership of a Milanese incunable
- An anonymous volume of sixteenth-century poems
- Some rare Milanese editions of Virgil
- Further notes on a Milanese edition of Virgil
- A Milanese speech of 1509
- A book from the Gonzaga library at Mantua
- Filippo Nuvolone of Mantua, 1436—1478
- Notes on the Chronica di Mantua of Mario Equicola
- Some notes on Francesco Osanno of Mantua, Torquato Tasso and others
- Antonio Zanchi of Bergamo, printer or publisher at Venice and Mantua
- The first book printed at Bari, with additional notes
- Errori tipografici in una edizione cosentina del XVI secolo
- A book printed at Taranto in 1567
- Towards an identification of Proctor 7393
- Un tipografo ambulante e un nuovo luogo di stampa nel Cinquecento
- Appunti bio-bibliografici su alcuni umanisti pugliesi dei secoli XV e XVI
- Un letterato di Taranto: Cataldo Antonio Mannarino
- Di un’orazione tenuta ma non stampata a Lecce nel 1611
- Per la storia della stampa a Manfredonia nel Seicento
- A Mondovi indulgence and Pierre Sabran
- The incunabula of Siena
- Benedictus Hectoris of Bologna and his complaint against typographical pirates
- The first and second editions of the ‘Philogyne’ of Andrea Baiardi
- An outline of Veronese bibliography, 1472-1600
- A note on Petrus Feltrus
- Rettifiche e aggiunte alla storia della stampa a Padova, 1471-1600
- Ancora per lo stampatore del Mesue
- Domenico Serafini e un ignoto incunabolo torinese
- Printing in Italy in the seventeenth century
- Roberto Meietti e alcuni documenti della controversia fra Papa Paolo V e Venezia
- Accertamenti sulla stampa a Velletri prima del 1700
- Seventeenth-century printing at Scigliano (Cosenza)
- Some notes on the import of books from Italy into England, 1628—1650
- Note sui primi libri stampati a Montefiascone
- Primo libro stampato a Montefiascone?
- Rosichino and Pietro da Cortona: a correction. With notes on the printer Fabio de Falco
- The printing career of Marco Claseri. 1597-1623
- Additional Notes
- Index
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