Book Description
Professor Hillenbrand has written extensively over the last twenty-five years on Islamic architecture from Spain to India and from the seventh to the twentieth century. He has paid consistent attention to the architecture of Iran, focusing particularly on the Saljuq period (11th-12th centuries), but has also worked on Umayyad monuments in the Levant between 660 and 750 A.D., a period when Islamic architecture came of age. Apart from recording unfamiliar buildings, he has increasingly concerned himself with the iconographic significance of Muslim buildings
The papers in these two volumes closely reflect these interests. Some present primary material, others attempt to explore the achievements of a specific period or dynasty while yet others analyse the religious, royal, or political context of an important monument or school of architecture. The opportunity has been taken to add illustrations to articles, and to provide additional notes and a comprehensive index.
- Preface
- The Legacy of the Dome of the Rock
- The Ornament of the World – Cordoba
- A Pair of Medieval Tomb Towers in Van
- La dolce vita in Early Islamic Syria: the Evidence of Later Umayyad Palaces
- Islamic Art at the Crossroads: East and West at Mshatta
- Some Observations on the Use of Space in Medieval Islamic Buildings
- Eastern Islamic Influneces in Syria: Raqqa and Qal’at Ja’bar in the Later Twelfth Century
- Islamic Art, Architecture and Archaeology
- The Classical Heritage in Islamic Art: the Case of Medieval Architecture
- The Use of Spatial Devices in the Great Mosque of Cordoba
- Islamic Art and Architecture
- Political Symbolism in Early Indo-Muslim Mosque Architecture: the Case of Ajmir
- Qur’anic Epigraphy in Medieval Islamic Architecture
- Cresswell and Contemporary Central European Scholarship
- Turco-Iranian Elements in the Medieval Architecture of Pakistan – the Case of the Tomb of Rukn-i ‘Alam at Multan
- Mamluk Caravansarais in Galilee
- The Dervish Lodge. Architecture, Art and Sufism in Ottoman Turkey
- Reflections on O. Aslanapa’s Turkish Art and Architecture
- Traditional Architecture in the Arabian Peninsula
- Musalla
- Qasr Kharana re-examined
- Occidental Oriental: Islamic Influences in the Art of Britain and America
- Splendour and Austerity. Islamic Architectural Ornament. The Monument
- Reviews of M. Meinecke, Die Madrasa des Amir Mitqal
- C. Ewert and J.-P. Wisshak, Forschungen zur almohadischen Moschee. I. Vorstafen
- E. C. Dodd and S. Khairallah, The Image of the World
See also:
Volume II
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