Studies in Byzantium, Venice & The West Volume I


30 x 21 cm
468 pp. 268 illus.
9 colour plates
Publication: 1998
ISBN 1 899828 08 7
ISBN-13 978 1 899828 08 1

Book Description

Professor Otto Demus’s work on Byzantine art represents one of the great original contributions to the subject made in this century. His early studies in the 1930s on the “mosaics of Greece were followed by his fundamental work on the mosaics of Norman Sicily after the Second World War, and the later great studies of the decoration of San Marco in Venice, which remained throughout his abiding concern.

These two volumes make available the papers Otto Demus published in a variety of periodicals in the course of a long and highly productive working lifetime. They have been edited and revised by Dr. Irmgard Hutter, a pupil and friend of the author. Volume I includes Demus’s papers on Byzantine art in general, including his outstanding “contribution to the study of the development of Palaeologan art. His interest in the working methods of the artists is also evident. The volume includes most of his papers on Byzantine mosaics, mural painting, icons, enamels and manuscript illumination.

Volume II deals with the author’s lifelong interest, the mosaics of the church of San Marco in Venice. The papers reproduced here cover the history and decoration of this great monument, including the sculpture. The influence of the San Marco mosaics and Byzantine art on the art of western Europe is also covered.

Volume I Contents

  • Preface by Irmgard Hutter
  • The Role of Byzantine Art in Europe. Die Rolle der byzantinischen Kunst in Europa
  • Vorbildqualität und Lehrfunktion der byzantinischen Kunst
  • The Making of Byzantine Art. The Methods of the Byzantine Artist
  • Gebundenheit und Freiheit in der byzantinischen Kunst
  • Graphische Elemente in der spätantiken Plastik
  • Schablonen – ein “Rückzieher”
  • Epochs of Byzantine and Western Painting. Die Entstehung des Paläologenstils in der Malerei
  • Die Malerei des 11.-12. Jahrhunderts in Mazedonien
  • European Wall Painting around 1200
  • Mosaics and Wall Paintings. Ravenna und die mittelalterliche Kunst Italiens
  • Zu den Apsismosaiken von Sant’Apollinare in Classe
  • Zu den Fresken von Aynali Magara
  • Probleme byzantinischer Kuppel-Darstellungen
  • “The Sleepless Watcher”. Ein Erklärungsversuch
  • Zur Datierung der Apsismosaiken der Hagia Sophia in Thessalonike
  • Icons and Mosaic Icons. Eine Anastasis Ikone vom Balkan
  • An Unknown Mosaic Icon of the Palaeologan Epoch
  • Byzantinische Mosaikminiaturen. Zur Charakteristik einer späten Kunstgattung
  • Zwei Konstantinopler Marienikonen des 13. Jahrhunderts
  • Two Palaeologan Mosaic Icons in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection
  • Eine griechische Gründungsikone
  • Manuscripts. Studien zur byzantinischen Buchmalerei des 13. Jahrhunderts
  • Die Farbe in der byzantinischen Buchmalerei
  • Bemerkungen zum Physiologus von Smyrna
  • Byzantine Enamels. Zur Pala d’Oro
  • Die Byzantinischen Emails im Salesianerinnenkloster in Wien
  • Western Enamels. Neue Funde an dem Emails des Nikolaus von Verdun in Klosterneuburg
  • Nicola da Verdun
  • Zu Nikolaus von Verdun
  • Zu zwei Darstellungen der Geburt Christi am Klosterneuburger Ambo
  • Index

See also:
Volume II

Additional information




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