Book Description
Romanesque sculpture in Burgundy has always been seen as central to our understanding of the history and culture of 11th and 12th century Europe, standing as it does at a cross-roads between north and south, with its rich agricultural and urban economies out of which grew some of the great monastic settlements of feudal Europe, including of course Cluny and the Cistercians.
Neil Stratford has been Keeper of Medieval and Later Antiquities at the British Museum since 1975 and is recognised as a leading authority on Romanesque and Gothic art. Over the last twenty years he has published many articles on Romanesque Burgundy in a number of English and French journals. The most famous sculptures (above all the Cluny apse capitals and the Vézelay tympanum) have been studied, alongside unpublished and little known monuments.
These two volumes brings together a selection of these studies, some published in English for the first time and with new photographs. All are updated with brief corrections and new comments from the author.
- Introduction
- Romanesque Sculpture in Burgundy. Reflections on its Geography, on Patronage, on the Status of Sculpture and on the Working Methods of Sculptors
- A 10th-century Epitaph Fragment from St-Eusèbe, Auxerre
- Sculptures de Flavigny
- The Documentary Evidence for the Building of Cluny III
- La sculpture des parties orientales de l’église Cluny III d’après les fouilles de K.J. Conant
- The Apse Capitals of Cluny III (unpublished lecture)
- A Cluny Capital in Hartford, Connecticut
- Les bâtiments de l’abbaye de Cluny à l’époque médiévale. Etat des questions
- Contribution à l’histoire de la sculpture des maisons romanes de Cluny
- Vézelay – introduction historique. Des origines aux XVIIIe siècle
- La sculpture médiévale de Moutiers-Saint-Jean
- Sculpture romane originaire de Moutiers-Saint-Jean
- L’église de Bussy-le-Grand
- Flavigny, Monastère St-Joseph de Clairval, Bas-relief de Saint Pierre aux liens
- Le portail roman de Neuilly-en-Donjon
- Note on the reconstruction work with fragments from the portals of St-Lazare, Autun
- Un bas-relief roman de Nevers
- Chronologie et filiations stylistiques des sculptures de la façade nord du porche de Charlieu
- A Romanesque marble altar-frontal in Beaune and some Cîteaux manuscripts
- Une nouvelle acquisition du Musée d’art et d’archéologie de Moulins
- Le Mausolée de Saint Lazare à Autun
- Receuil des source pour l’étude du Mausolée de saint Lazare
- Autun and Vienne
- Sur quelques chapiteaux romans du Musée des Beaux-Arts de Troyes
- “Compostela and Burgundy?” Thoughts on the Western Crypt of the Cathedral of Santiago
- St. Bernard and the Visual Arts (unpublished lecture)
- Additional Notes
- Index
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