Book Description
Professor Cramp’s work on Anglo-Saxon sculpture over the last thirty years has transformed our knowledge of the subject. The crosses and sculptural fragments surviving, particularly in the region of Anglo-Saxon Northumbria, had previously been known through the result of antiquarian research. To the author belongs the credit of bringing this body of work into the perspective of contemporary European and Insular art, and establishing a context for their creation with the help of archaeological methods.
This book brings together for the first time Professor Cramp’s studies on the monuments, previously published in a number of specialist journals. The emphasis is on Northumbria, the monasteries of Monkwearmouth and Jarrow, Hexham and Lindisfarne, which provided the seed-bed for the great flowering of Northumbrian culture that gave us Bede and the Book of Lindisfarne. The crosses that marked the spread of Christianity over the north of England are dealt with in this context. The radiation of this influence throughout Anglo-Saxon England also receives attention.
- Preface
- The Anglian Sculptured Crosses of Dumfriesshire
- A Name Stone from Monkwearmouth
- Early Northumbrian Sculpture: A Cross from St. Oswald’s Church, Durham, and its Stylistic Relationships
- Two Newly-discovered Fragments of Anglo-Saxon Sculpture from Tynemouth
- The Position of the Otley Crosses in English Sculpture of the Eighth and Ninth Centuries: Tradition and Innovation in English Stone Sculpture
- Early Northumbrian Sculpture at Hexham
- Anglo-Saxon Sculpture of the Reform Period
- Schools of Mercian Sculpture
- The Anglian Tradition in the Ninth Century
- The Evangelist Symbols and their Parallels in Anglo-Saxon England
- The Pre-Conquest Sculptural Tradition in Durham
- Northumbria and Ireland
- The Furnishing and Sculptural Decoration of Anglo-Saxon Churches
- Anglo-Saxon and Italian Sculpture
- The Artistic Influence of Lindisfarne within Northumbria
- Additional Notes
- Index
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