Book Description
Professor Zarnecki’s work on English Romanesque sculpture has proved fundamental in defining the field of research on the subject and his investigations have done much to bring a new interpretation to bear on familiar landmarks of English art. This volume brings together twenty-two papers published on English sculpture over the last twelve years. They supplement the studies pubished in the author’s previous volume in this series, Studies in Romanesque Sculpture, and provide a guide to recent research in the field of English Romanesque sculpture. The first three articles deal with the major English Romanesque exhibition of 1984, two of these reprinted from the Catalogue. There follow two articles on links between sculpture in Normandy and England in the 11th century. Nine studies deal with Romanesque sculpture in England. Three further studies deal with iconographical problems, and there is a discussion of the Eadwine Psalter and the patronage of Henry of Blois. Two final studies give an overview of Norman art in Britain, and English art around 1180.
- Preface
- The English Romanesque Art Exhibition: General Introduction to the Catalogue
- The English Romanesque Art Exhibition, Sculpture
- Sculpture in Stone in the English Romanesque Art Exhibition
- Romanesque Sculpture in Normandy and England
- Early Romanesque Capitals at Bayeux and Rucqueville
- The Buried Sculptures of Reading Abbey
- A Newly Discovered Relief at Ruardean
- The Carved Stones from Newark Castle
- A Romanesque Capital from Canterbury at Chatham
- A Romanesque Sculpture excavated at Wenlock Priory
- The Sculptures of the Old Moot Hall, Colchester
- A Monster’s Head
- Romanesque Sculpture at Bury St. Edmund’s
- Animal Protomes in Medieval Art
- Como and the Book of Durrow
- Germanic Animal Motifs in Romanesque Art
- The Eadwine Portrait
- Henry of Blois as a Patron of Sculpture
- Norman Art in Britain
- English Art around 1180
- Additional Notes
- Index
See also:
Studies in Romanesque Sculpture
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